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A Frog

A frog just landed on the top of my foot with a “Splat!” as I walked up the stairs from my little piece of refuge on Round Lake and into the house. That’s right, a frog. While not all-together shocking, since my home is literally in marshland, it is odd, as I am clothed from head-to-toe. The only skin showing is my face and my feet. Guess I’ll take my foot over my forehead for this visit!

And maybe not odd at all. I operate in a world of signs, synchronicities, serendipity and feeling. I pay attention to things that others may pass off as coincidence or simply as a strange occurrence with no deeper meaning. Now, not everything has profound meaning through my lens, but I instinctively know when to pay attention, when to dig-in and see if there is a message or something for me to understand beyond what’s happening on the surface. Cause for further investigation could be a repeating number sequence, a sensation of energy through a specific part of my body, an unseen presence felt sitting on my bed, or an animal crossing my path. A frog landing on my bare skin was enough for me to take a deeper look.


If you find yourself at a turning point in your life, appeal to the frog symbolism. The frog spirit will help you make the changes and transformations you need within yourself and will also purify your body, mind, and spirit. Understanding the toads and frogs is the key to life’s metamorphosis.”

Anyone within my sphere knows I’m going through tremendous life changes, on so many levels. I feel mostly full of doubt, anxiety and sadness. I am learning so much about myself as the person I was, and am now getting glimpses of the person I am becoming. Those glimpses sprinkle this mostly heavy experience with the sparkle of life I dearly miss in forms of awe, gratitude and excitement for what is to come.

According to

“The frog totem symbolizes the cycles of life, in particular the rebirth stage. Its own journey through life, from tadpole to the adult state, reminds us of the many cycles of transformation and rebirth in our lives.

Transformation and rebirth. Any astrological resource would tell you that is the stuff we Scorpios live for - it’s our wheelhouse. I am not a fearful person and don’t shy away from diving deep into the dark. As it turns out, much of this leg of the journey must be done in isolation (NOT my wheelhouse) and is a lot for my sensitive soul to handle. I am exhausted, and can just barely see a flash of that light at the end of this seemingly never-ending tunnel. I often ask for, and receive help from the Universe in the many forms I have mentioned. While I have had my share of heavy, difficult times throughout life, I am so very grateful for the many who have supported me in their own unique ways. Often, my darkness allows someone else to shine their light, something the world needs from each of us, right now especially.

From my lens, this little froggy visit has provided guidance, encouragement and a feeling of support when I truly need it. And that’s all I’m asking for…for now.

How about you – what do you need to feel guided, encouraged and supported during dark times?

My Dark Night of the Soul Journey here at That's All I'm Asking For...was necessary to reach where I am today. While I am still working through the residue of a lifetime of beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve me, I am so grateful to be the most authentic version of myself I have ever known. If you're curious, please join me as I continue this adventure of me. It has been a journey worth taking, for sure!


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