I think both the Mystic and I mentioned my mid-afternoon nap in previous posts. I would have said “mid-afternoon nap…that wasn’t”. In fact, I would have bet my first born that I did not sleep at all during my daytime lie-down. I remember hearing every word of all the audio I played to help me sleep, seeing the Mystic sending distance energy healing as she lay next to me, and my consciousness was seemingly completely aware the whole time. Finally, I gave up the ghost of sleep-past and opened the patio door to where my friend sat, laptop…on her lap!
“I didn’t sleep at all,” I said, to which she quickly
replied, “Yes you did.” The mystic told me I snored a bit, and it sounded
almost primal. That must have been when she high-tailed it out onto the balcony.
In my younger days, I would sleepwalk/speak when in strange places. I guess a
primal mid-day snore is less dramatic, but both make me laugh at myself and how
I handle being away from home. Weirdo!
Even with the lack of sleep, mini-nap or no, I was not suffering
or unable to participate in our trip – whew! Now it was time to get ready to do
some shaggin’! Oh boy, was I excited. Finally, we would live out a part of our 1980’s
Shag, The Movie, dreams! Would a tall, tan 2021 version of Buzz Ravenal show up to be my dance partner for the night?! No, but my very young, short companion
on the dance floor was just right. Funny, I never thought I’d reach an age
where I could honestly say, “I could be your mother” to an adult person, but
here I am!
Nearly 20 years his senior, I helped this nervous fellow get
the correct hand position our Shag instructors had demonstrated. He was super apologetic
every time he missed a step, which was likely way less than my missteps, and
while I laughed, he got more and more serious about the whole thing.
“This is supposed to be FUN!” I exclaimed, trying to get him
to loosen up. He then told me he came with his dad that evening, his dad who was
practically a professional shag dancer who refused to join his son on the dance floor,
nor teach him the steps himself. Dad was watching from one of the tables around
the bar and Chip* wanted to make Dad proud. My heart broke a little for this
kid, so I just started chatting away like I usually do and found out he is
studying both Chinese and Japanese and is planning to go to grad school in Tokyo.
“Were you in a sorority?!” he asked excitedly as I talked about my journey through higher ed. I laughed out loud, “NO! Bwhahahaha!! I am a weirdo, and I’m pretty sure we don’t do sororities.” He said something like, “you don’t look like a weirdo”, so I thanked him but confirmed, with pride I might add, that indeed, I am. Not unlike Dale from the previous night at Margaritaville, I felt compelled to boost this kid up. I asked Chip to look at what he is doing and what lights him up and to be proud of those things. And just like with Dale, my advice to Chip was exactly what I need to do as well. Who knew I’d have so much in common with these young boys?! Haha!!
We hugged good-bye and thanked each other for the dance and I flitted back to my spot with the Mystic to have another cocktail, but not before meeting Chip’s dad. Yes, he was as judgmental and dismissive as I would have imagined from the behavior of his young adult son on the dance floor. But we had a chance to sit with Chip and his dad again before we left and another side of Dad came out. Human. We are all “perfectly imperfect”, a dear friend of mine says. I agree, and while I enjoy being one of the coolest weirdos I know, I’m learning that as I label myself ‘weirdo’ or anything else, I restrict just who I will allow myself to become. And lawd knows, I cannot be restrained! ๐
And that's all I'm asking for...on the dance floor and beyond!
If you haven't already, please check out my friend's Myrtle Beach experience for her take on this co-creation of a trip!
*Name has been changed
My Dark Night of the Soul Journey here at That's All I'm Asking For...was necessary to reach where I am today. While I am still working through the residue of a lifetime of beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve me, I am so grateful to be the most authentic version of myself I have ever known. If you're curious, please join me as I continue this adventure of me. It has been a journey worth taking, for sure!
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