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Into the Mystic

My first full day ocean-side started early. They all started early. Between 4:30 and 5:30am seemed my vacation rising time and I had no choice but to go with it! The sunrise was brilliant, the ocean breeze solidified my wide-awakeness and I got to see all the goings-on that most vacationers miss. Activities like lifeguards setting up the beach chairs and umbrellas temporary beach-bums like my bestie and I would later rent for the day. Hotel staff cleaning the pool and enjoying the sunrise with me, and a few other early-risers walking the beach and watching all the birds dive and glide in the breeze. When I served as the opening barista at our local coffee shop, I reveled in catching glimpses of early-morning phenomena I was one of few to see from my vantage point, and I loved it. It felt like secret sensory treasures, gifted for my eyes only. My early beach mornings felt similar, but surprisingly, I was not by any means alone at those ungodly hours!

It also gave me time to meet new “friends” – something I dearly love to do when mixing it up with strangers, no matter if I’m afar or in my little river town back home. I traveled to Myrtle Beach and met a chatty gentleman from WI, who lives not more than 60 miles from me. He shared that one of the waitstaff in the hotel was from a city just a few miles from him! Yes, it is a small world. I shared time with people from New York, Texas, Pennsylvania and Louisiana. Some had extraordinary stories, like a near-death experience that caused him to change his life and spend more time at the beach. Some talked about the weather and current events and others shared personal stories of pain and struggle or family-centered living. No matter the subject, I enjoyed making true connection with my fellow travelers and was delighted to see them light up and want to tell me something each time our paths crossed.

My bestie has coined me her “host” on this trip. Strange, since she is the one that provided the idea, the itinerary, the car, the accommodations and most of the sage advice I needed at that point in time. I think she may have been my beach-side mystic. The Mystic and I did all the regular things like breakfast and shopping and beach time, but almost all of it took place inside deep soul conversations. I do a few hours of “Soul Sundays” with a few friends back home. This was Soul Sundays for three days straight, and even as she dropped me at the airport, I wanted more! Sure, we took breaks for naptime and swimming and some less heady activities like Shag lessons at Fat Herold’s, but if this trip was anything, it was soulful. Lessons were integrated, understandings made, A-HA moments had, more questions than answers came up, and true connection was shared between deep-soul friends. So much was shed from my being on this trip, all facilitated at just the right time by my beach-side mystic, whose connection with me is a treasured gift.

Along with the Mystic, the ocean served to process all this soulful substance. We played like little kids in the waves as they knocked us about. As I laughed, strangers laughed with me (and the Mystic too), and then I laughed harder. Yes, until I peed - it’s a big ocean. Such sweet release (and I’m not just talking pee here) in that giant salt bath. I felt parts of my former self, long overdue for liberation, being shattered with each wave and washed away as I swam and floated. I couldn’t wait to return to play some more…and to let it all go

And that's all I'm asking every moment.

If you haven't already, please check out my friend's Myrtle Beach experience for her take on this co-creation of a trip!

My Dark Night of the Soul Journey here at That's All I'm Asking For...was necessary to reach where I am today. While I am still working through the residue of a lifetime of beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve me, I am so grateful to be the most authentic version of myself I have ever known. If you're curious, please join me as I continue this adventure of me. It has been a journey worth taking, for sure!


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