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Showing posts with the label Airports

The Long Road Home

I had to leave the beach and my hammock of waves slightly earlier than the Mystic to get ready for my journey back home. Showered, packed, good-byes exchanged, and the car loaded, we were off to the Gay Dolphin for some last-minute gifts and souvenirs. I found nothing on those shelves for myself that could do honor to the memory of this unforgettable experience. Instead, I was grateful to find meaningful (or at least useful) gifts for my baybas and those who made my trip possible by shouldering some of my homestead responsibilities. We ate some classic American food at a place attached to a huge arcade. Oh, had I the time, I would have loved to play some air hockey or a racing game. Next time! Like I said earlier , even though we just had three days straight of Soul Talk, I still wanted more as the Mystic dropped me at the curb. What was I going to do without her reassuring me that “I probably wouldn’t die”?! And all the other sage advice she delivered, not to mention the good time